Sunday, September 18, 2016


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There are some who have always wanted to meet a thick woman; all that matters is the personality at the end of the day. Below are some the thinks you should know before meeting a thick woman:
Size does not matter: Whether chubby or thin we are all women, size does not matter. As mentioned, all that matters is the personality, and they are still sexy, smart, intelligent and beautiful.
A challenge is nice: Chubby women may be scared about their weight, but they still love a challenge. You can take them on a swimming date or something fun and unexpected it always turns out to be a thrill, and it also motivates them.
They are not a big secret: Plus sized women who are dating may enjoy some quality one on one time with the man of their dreams, but meeting their family and friends is also essential to them; it shows that they matter too.
Including them in your priorities: Big beautiful women value relationships, and they would want it to be long term, therefore treat it as a priority include her in your talks and game it will her feel good about herself and the relationship.
No need to remind them that they are fat: They know that already, you do not have to rub it in their face that they need to watch their diet, it is not cool, and they do not appreciate it.
Their life does not revolve around food: They may be chubby, but they do not just sit down and eat around all day, they enjoy traveling and doing exciting things.
Develop their trust: Communication is the key to everything, for a plus size woman to let you in might take a while; you have to win their trust first.

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